
5 Gorgeous Pool Landscaping Ideas 

Pool owners should not limit their pool landscaping with dull, customary concrete walkways if they dream of having a gorgeous view in their backyard. An inviting seating area, upgraded paving, and attractive lighting are achievable given that you combine both softscaping and hardscaping in your landscape ideas.  

El Paso fence company gives their ideas on how to have a gorgeous pool landscape besides having the usual concrete around the waters, and here is the list: 

1. Rock Walls – the crystal clear water can be beautifully contrasted with the earthly colors of natural rocks. And even if you decide to create and build artificial rocks, they still alluringly blend well with the pool. Add some elevated boulders around the pool’s edge.  

With regards to the design, structure, and color, we recommend that you hire a professional landscaper to take into account your preferences and needs for the landscaping project.  

2. Wooden deck – a wooden deck also blends well with the natural color of the water. This also adds an interesting element to the pool area and gives you more space to sit on.  

There are multiple benefits that a wooden deck provides besides aesthetics and space. It will also serve as an attractive spot for visitors while staying in the pool. You can also add a patio table for an exquisite morning breakfast or a romantic dinner.  

Remember to elevate the wooden deck to create an illusion of space.  

3. Firepit – if you can invest more in your pool area, installing a built-in fire pit is a great idea. This is ideal if you like to hang out with friends and have visitors in the house because it betters the night experience during an evening socialization. A built-in fire pit can cost you around $700 dollars, but it will definitely be worth the penny.  

4. Minimalism – modern aesthetics are tinged with minimalism, so if you are a minimalist and do not like intricate designs, consider having a maintained turf around the pool and a narrow deck on the side. Choose light colors and avoid bombarding your pool area with random and incohesive design elements.  

Many homeowners, especially those with smart homes, opt for a minimalist and modern type of pool design. These create two practical benefits: first, it looks stylish and sophisticated; and second, it is economical. 

5. Plants – the most natural elements you can incorporate in your pool landscape, which are also the best and most economical designs (depending on the type of plants and materials you use). For a resort-like design, consider having built-in planters for trees, shrubs, and flowers on the one hand. 

On the other hand, have hibiscus, hostas, ferns, and lush plants for a more tropical-like pool landscape design.  


Besides the five design elements mentioned above, try building a shaded lounge for additional space, hover on the Xeriscaping and hire a professional if the budget allows, replace your concrete pavement with grass, build a waterfall for an extra attraction, and/or built a poolside bar.  

All of these ideas will surely add more gorgeousness to your pool landscape! 


5 Tips for a Successful Podcast in 2021 

The podcast industry is booming since the start of the pandemic partly because most people find ways to cure their boredom while learning something interesting. So, if you are considering communicating your ideas, thoughts, and interests to the huge public, then launching a podcast is ideal. 

However, the competition is also difficult to beat. With more than 800,000 podcasts out there, you need to have the proper skills and equipment that will move you up the ladder. Consider these five (5) tips for a successful podcast launch in 2021. 

1. Create ideas – identify what you like discussing and learning about. The first step into creating content is to have an idea to be shared. The pro of focusing on the topic or topics that interest you is that the process will never be tedious, and you will never run out of motivation to pursue and maintain your podcast. Identify your strength and use it as your leverage.  

Determine the format. Do you like the podcast to be dialogic, where you invite other people to share their ideas? Perhaps, you fancy it when you monopolize the discussion, so consider a monologue type of podcast.  

Brainstorm your ideas and format and proceed to the next step. 

2. Have the right equipment – ideas are essential, but launching and maintaining a podcast will necessitate you to have the right equipment. Having a good microphone, a high-end recorder, and the necessary equipment will result in the best-quality audio output for your content. Take note that podcast relies on audio so providing a low-quality sound output will drive out audience. If you do not have the right tools yet, consider Austin recording studios for professional help and book a slot. They have the high-end equipment that will step up your podcast content. 

3. Edit – similar to publishing content online, publishing your podcast episode needs to be edited and revised. Consider removing all the fillers like “umms” and “uhs.” These sounds diminish the credibility of your content. Moreover, add some bumpers and stingers to avoid having dull content that exhibits only dialogue or pure monologue. Remove the noise, and listen intently. Remove all the unnecessary sound elements that diminish the audio and content quality.  

If you are not skilled with podcasting editing yet, consider hiring a professional audio editor while taking classes on how to do it. Do not waste time.  

4. Make use of popular platforms – platforms like Spotify, Libsyn, and Soundcloud are good starting points to find a place to launch your episodes and find an audience. According to Statista, Spotify has 158 million users in the first quarter of 2021, while Soundcloud currently has more than 30 million creators.  

However, do not stop at merely utilizing these free platforms. When you can, self-host and own your XML. Furthermore, When considering creating your own website, own your domain, copyright, and RSS feed. All of these will ensure that your content and hard work will not be taken advantage of by others.  

5. Take care of your brand – Having followers that support your content takes a big responsibility. Be consistent with your effort, connect with them, and increase brand equity. If you take care of the quality you provide to the audience, this will secure commissions and sponsors in the future.  

Final Thoughts 

Work on your ideas, invest in the right equipment, hone your skills, and take care of your brand. While this sounds easier than done, remember that everything takes hard work, and it is up to you if you choose hard than easy; the results will differ. 


When’s the Best Time to Sell Your Property? 

It would be great if you have a crystal ball that can tell you when is the best time to sell your property. Unfortunately, there’s no such thing in this world. But some tell-tale signs and trends can let you determine that you need to have your house sold by the best realtors in Corpus Christi TX as soon as possible.  

Sell in season 

Property sales are the slowest during the colder seasons because nobody would want to try braving the cold for the sake of attending an open house. However, spring is when the home-selling season is truly beginning and at its peak. Moreover, house searches on real estate sites boost in the months of March-June.  

But keep in mind that peak seasons still differ from one state to another. In areas where it gets sunny throughout the year, the trend of selling homes during winter-spring won’t apply.  

Know the type of market you have 

Among the many aspects that can determine if you should or not is the time of the year. You also need to consider whether your locality is a seller’s market or a buyer’s market.  

A buyer’s market indicates that homes will be listed for approximately 6 months before being sold. That means that supply exceeds demands. In this case, sell your house the sellers might not obtain top dollar for their properties.  

On the other hand, a seller’s market refers to when there is a very high demand that a lot of properties end up being sold in less than 6 months. Since people are eager to purchase, they are also game for paying a premium just to be included in a particular community.  

A dependable real estate agent can let you know more about the state of the real-time market landscape, and whether it’s best to sell now or later.  


Apart from timing, some other aspects and reasons may push you to sell your property sooner than later. Here are some of them: 

  • You are planning to retire 

On the contrary, when all of your children have moved into their respective homes, you can choose to move to a smaller house that’s easier to maintain. You can also move closer to your family so that you can see your grandchildren more often.  

  • Your family is growing 

You may have to consider selling your house if it seems bursting at the seams. Or perhaps your children are about to start school soon, and you would love to move to a place that’s near to good schools. Regardless of your reasons, when your house does not match your needs any longer, begin looking for another place where you can live comfortably.  

  • You need the money 

A house is similar to a savings account but on steroids. Given that your house is placed in a good community, it can boost its value a lot faster compared to the equivalent sum in a traditional savings account. You can also sell your property and make a clean profit out of it once the market conditions are good.